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They are like trees planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither.
In all that they do, they prosper.
Psalm 1:3
Annual Traditions

Throughout the seasons of the church year, we enjoy many wonderful traditions: a fall and spring picnic, a church tour for children, games and dancing at Oktoberfest, the stewardship dinner, coloring crosses for All Saints, making Advent wreaths, the Christmas pageant, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the Triduum with the Way of the Cross, the annual Easter Egg hunt and party, a Pentecost celebration, and Summer Eucharist featuring a sermon geared to younger worshipers.

Check this page for upcoming celebrations & activities.

Welcoming Picnic
August 25, 2024, at noon
On the last Sunday in August, we will gather on the church lawn after the 2nd service to enjoy a good, old fashioned picnic! Look for more information throughout August, including sign-ups for side dishes! 
Vacation Bible School

In early summer, the parish holds an intergenerational learning series called VB-Us. Our take on Vacation Bible School, VB-Us brings the community together for a good meal, singing, and chatauqua-style learning centered around lectures, crafts, skits, and stories.


Christian formation and support for all ages and stages

Hospitality, ministering to the sick, and other service at St. Mark & St. Paul

Giving to the many ministries at St. Mark & St. Paul

Learn about the people, history, and campus of St. Mark & St. Paul

Find video links, service times, and what to expect at St. Mark & St. Paul

Learn about the people, history, and campus of St. Mark & St. Paul



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216 University Ave

P. O. Box 267

Sewanee, TN 37375

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